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Discussions about the energy sector’s future. Climate change, illicit fishing, and pollution pose risks to the MSGBC coastline, which is rich in biodiversity. The PRCM works with governments, civil...
The tenth meeting of the WACA ResIP Regional Steering Committee was held in Nouakchott, Mauritania on 12-13 July with the participation of the West Africa Regional Partnership for Coastal and Marine...
If the current trend is not reversed, Africa could surpass Asia and become the world’s largest contributor to plastic pollution. In West Africa, an alarming 80% of plastic waste is poorly...
During the scientific symposium on biodiversity organised by the MAVA Foundation from 8 to 10 May 2023 in Dakar, PRCM presented a new White Paper on Coastal and Marine Biodiversity in West Africa...
The Marine Megafauna Week on Marine Turtle Conservation Measures (CMS) will take place in Saly, Senegal from 4 to 7 September 2023 as part of the Marine Turtle Monitoring in West Africa project (STM)...
Following the successful launch of the RESILAO project in May with national actors, partners, and donors, PRCM has opened its first call for projects. The aim is to fund innovative local conservation...
Dear partners, Africa is the continent that is most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Yet, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), it emits only about 4% of...
The Regional Partnership for Coastal and Marine Conservation in West Africa (PRCM) is extremely pleased with the decision taken by the Senegal Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime Economy on Friday...
The first call for projects for sustainable and resilient coastal ecosystems and a social and inclusive blue economy as part of the RESILAO project is launched. The RESILAO regional project aims to...
The PRCM is organizing a webinar to launch the RESILAO regional project on Wednesday, May 24, 2023, starting at 9:30 am on zoom. RESILAO is an ambitious regional project that aims to strengthen...
The Regional Partnership for the Conservation of Coastal and Marine Areas in West Africa -PRCM has just published a White Paper on marine biodiversity in West Africa. The book, which involved a number...
During the PRCM General Assembly, 14 new membership applications were addressed. Following the examination of applications, a favorable opinion was granted to the following 10 organizations and...
The Executive Management of the PRCM is pleased to announce that Mr. Youssouf H. CAMARA has been recruited as Coordinator of the Regional RESILAO Project – Coastal Resilience in West Africa and...
Publicly committed to implementing FiTI since 2020, the government of the Republic of Cabo Verde recently announced through a decree the creation of the national multi-stakeholder group that will be...
Dear partners and readers, The end of the year 2022 is drawing near and it is time to take stock of our endeavors, both personally and professionally. We need to look at what has worked well, correct...
In the face of the swift development of offshore oil and gas activities in West Africa and their possible impacts on biodiversity, it is important to put in place effective mechanisms to raise the...
After Boa Vista Island in 2020, Cape Verde has just inaugurated its second Coastal Fringe and Adjacent Sea Management Plan (POOCM) on Maio Island thanks to funding from the MAVA Foundation and PRCM...
The PRCM Board of Directors has approved the opening of an office in Guinea Bissau. PRCM Executive Director Ahmed SENHOURY and the Cooperation Executive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and...
As part of the Output Action Plans (OAPs) financed by the MAVA Foundation, PRCM was indirectly involved in six action plans and coordinated three others, namely PAZHOC (Wetlands and Coastal Birds...
The Regional Partnership for Coastal and Marine Conservation in West Africa (PRCM) took part in the 14th Trilateral Governmental Conference held in Wilhelmshaven, Germany, from 28 to 30 November 2022...