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Guinea joins FITI

On November 28, 2022, the Minister of Fisheries and Maritime Economy of Guinea, Her Excellency Mrs. Charlotte DAFFE, announced in a letter to Dr. Valeria MERINO, President of the FiTI International...

UCAD: Holding of a scientific symposium on hydrocarbons

The risks associated with the exploitation of hydrocarbons are enormous and raise many questions. It is with this awareness that the GIDEL/UCAD UNESCO Master Chair organized a two-day reflection and...

Mauritania: The NGO BiodiverCités set to release a White Paper

A white paper on the strengths and weaknesses of institutions in the environmental management of offshore oil and gas activities is being prepared and will be released soon. It will capitalize on the...

Senegal: Monitoring and evolution of marine pollution along the coastline

In 2022, the Centre de Recherches Océanographiques de Dakar Thiaroye (CRODT) conducted research on sediment samples collected from April to June 2021 along the Senegalese coast from Saint-Louis to Cap...

MSGBC Summit: PRCM raising stakeholders’ awareness

In May, PRCM took part in the MSGBC Summit, a high-level event held at the King Fahd Palace in Dakar and dedicated to exploring energy opportunities in Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea Bissau and...

Oil and gas activities: Watch committees set up in the countries to serve as sentinels

The discovery of oil and gas in West Africa’s coastal and marine ecoregion has raised both fears and hopes among the population, as the environmental issue of this new industry seems to be...

PRCM Board of Directors: a new Board to face the upcoming challenges

The Regional Partnership for Coastal and Marine Conservation in West Africa (PRCM) held its General Assembly meeting on September 7th, 2022 in Bissau in the presence of the Chief of staff representing...


Dear readers and partners, The Regional Partnership for Coastal and Marine Conservation in West Africa (PRCM) has, since 2018, been implementing an action plan titled “Environmental management...